Whitening Cream Private Parts Underarm Bleaching Serum Whiten Butt Knee Brighten Inner Thigh Intimate Parts Dark Remove Melanin

$24.43$27.92 (-13%)

Sold By: aBtny

10556 in stock

SKU: JQ6O7W39ZS8F Categories: ,
Estimated delivery on 23 March - 6 April, 2025


(10,199 Reviews)

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NET WT: 20g
Gender: Female
Feature: Whitening

Average Rating


( 20 Reviews )
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20 Reviews For This Product

  1. 20

    by A***z

    igual a la imágen, viene sellada la caja y la boca del tubo. No lo he usado pues lo acabo de recibir, así que todavía no sé si funciona. No tuve necesidad de comunicarme con el vendedor. Llego antes del tiempo descrito.

  2. 20

    by n***y

    Delivery on time have not used so will give follow up!

  3. 20

    by U***r

    i don’t know if it works because I only use on my lips sometimes i can’t see change it’s very dry not oily it just dissolve when you rub it in the first picture is before use and other is after

  4. 20

    by M***r

    Do not see the bleaching effect yet, but only using it for a couple of days. Smells very nice.

  5. 20

    by J***t

    I’m giving 5 stars bcoz i love all the items even though they are not that good

  6. 20

    by Shopper

    Two months later I got it.
    It’s really small so I don’t think with just want i’ll have a sightly difference so I’ll buy two more at least.
    The smell is nice and the skin absorbed it really quickly.
    These are photos of my armpits right now, one month later I’ll post if it really works so you can see the difference and if the cream is worth it.

  7. 20

    by A***e

    لقد استغرق الامر15يوم توصيل لا اعلم النتيجة انه قيد التجريب

  8. 20

    by a***r

    Ela é ótima Na primeira aplicação já viu o resultado

  9. 20

    by Shopper

    Looks exactly how it was described.. thanks. Hope it works

  10. 20

    by I***k

    Не ожидала такого эффекта, брала для потемневших локтей. Прям тут же становятся светлее. Попробовала небольшое пигментное пятно на лице и о чудо, оно почти исчезло. Упаковка фабричная, запаян и тюбик, и коробочка. Быстрая доставка. Продавцу респект! Жаль, что на данный момент нет этого товара. Когда появится, закажу для дочери.

  11. 20

    by Shopper

    Arrived well packed, as described . Used for one time , didn’t change a thing , might be that it needs longer time to see an effect

  12. 20

    by Shopper

    Envío muy rápido, realicé el pedido el 1 de mayo y acaba de llegar. Vuelvo con comentarios cuando utilice el producto

  13. 20

    by J***e

    Undoubtedly, The cream has a great effect. I recommend

  14. 20

    by B***e

    Good whitening cream for private parts.Of course it works as my expection

  15. 20

    by S***i

    I believe that this product fulfills what it promises because in the first use it was already possible to notice a slight pink in the mouth and the halo of the breasts that were dark turned white (I have not yet tested on the private parts). Highly recommend your purchase

  16. 20

    by Я***а

    I have already bought a lot of orders, it’s great.

  17. 20

    by M***t

    I received my order in 18 days in Netherlands.Just need to be tested then will leave another review.

  18. 20

    by A***a

    llego los productos en buen estado , aun no use el producto si funciona o no

  19. 20

    by A***o

    Спасибо за быструю доставку в Ирландию. После применения добавлю отзыв о результате.

  20. 20

    by D***z

    It came early than it was supposed to haven’t tried it yet I will be tryin it tdy

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Whitening Cream Private Parts Underarm Bleaching Serum Whiten Butt Knee Brighten Inner Thigh Intimate Parts Dark Remove Melanin

Whitening Cream Private Parts Underarm Bleaching Serum Whiten Butt Knee Brighten Inner Thigh Intimate Parts Dark Remove Melanin

$24.43$27.92 (-13%)

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