Car Headlight Restoration Polishing Kits Headlamp Repair Kits Car Light Polisher Cleaning Paste Cars Paint Refurbish Agent


Sold By: aBtny

544692 in stock

SKU: 3256805766436033 Categories: , ,
Estimated delivery on 23 March - 6 April, 2025


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Provides professional effects of yellow, oxidized, cracked, fuzzy, and lightly shaved headlights to improve visibility and safety during night driving.

Features: Car headlight repair and renovation – Lightweight scratch repair, yellow refurbishment, oxidation, Kraken, blur.

Quickly and easily restore the clarity of the oxidized and yellowed headlights

Instructions for use:

1 . Turn on the car liahts for more than half an hour or be exposed to sunliaht bring the temperature of the vehicle liahts to over 40’C

2. Use this product to apply to a sponge and continuously wipe the car lights with force for 3 minutes After completion , wait for 5 minutes and finally clean the car lights with water

3 . To achieve the desired effect it is recommended to reuse than 2 times

You can perfectly renovate the lights of your car

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Car Headlight Restoration Polishing Kits Headlamp Repair Kits Car Light Polisher Cleaning Paste Cars Paint Refurbish Agent